Tuesday, September 25, 2007

George Poe Trio Encourages You to Waste Time at Work!

Announcing the GP3 Games Page. For those of you that are hard-core video gamers, you know that today marks the release of the highly anticipated Halo 3 video game. The GP3 marketing team decided that this would be a perfect opportunity to release some crappy little games of their own. In contrast to the high-tech Halo and other games, our games are very Lo-Fi, Compare Here. But they are still a lot of fun and some are quite challenging. Here’s a listing of they’ve put out there for us:

Tic Tac 'Poe'A hilarious game of Tic Tac Toe against Matthew's Evil Twin who uses upright basses instead of O's

Lee's Picture Scramble Game Unscramble pictures just like the retro hand-held plastic square game
George's Memory Game A timed game of skill and concentration using GP3 images

Lee's Hyper Cube This virtual cube puzzle is like a Rubic's Cube on steroids!

GP3 Collage Memory GameTest your memory by revealing the correct squares of the collage

And our personal favorite:Guess Matthew's Social Security Number Guess Matthew's SSN, assume his identity, and tour with GP3

See them all here: GP3 Games Page

There’s no waiting in line, And the best part is that IT’S ALL FREE!

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