Friday, April 4, 2008

GP3 Helps Out the Feds

The GP3 Cyber Store

On Feb 13th of this year, US President George W. Bush
signed a two-year, 168-billion-dollar economic stimulus package in hopes of delivering "a booster shot" to an ailing American economy. Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson, believes tax rebate checks of up to $600.00 for individual taxpayers and $1,200.00 for couples, plus $300.00 for dependent children, could raise consumer spending (which has been pressured by sinking home prices and tight credit). Those rebates will put approximately $120 billion in the hands of individuals in the hopes that they will spend it, and thereby energize the economy.

The trio being so moved by this act of 'generosity', instantly devised a way in which they could partner with the Feds in this time of need. Contact was made with an manufacturing company called Cafe Working day and night for the good of the country, the GP3 team developed 50 or so intentionally overpriced items for your choosing to help stimulate the sluggish U.S. economy. It was difficult at first to convince the guys to charge so much for these exclusive items (including shirts, bumper stickers, coffee mugs, buttons, tote bags, mouse pads, even clothing for you dog). They wanted to just give these items away, but then they realized as Americans, it was not their choice, but their duty! So each of them decided to make the sacrifice, and do what was best for the nation - To serve you...the country...capitalism, and ultimately...the world!

So once you receive your rebate, click on the Shirt Icon below or the MERCHANDISE link on the heading of this page to participate in this 'economic about-face'. We are confident by working together (and you forking over a bunch of cash), we can turn this thing around!
God Bless America,

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